the perfect match


Our job is to find top-flight executives and business experts. Our method is direct approach sourcing.

In a short space of time, we are able to provide a rigorous selection of professionals who meet precise criteria, whatever the activity sector and the profession targeted, in France and abroad.

We guarantee efficient, targeted recruitment and make it a point of honour to provide our customers with support and presence throughout the entire project.

Mission EN
Find out more about our services
  • « The direct recruitment approach is the art of identifying the talent that will make your business exceptional. »
  • « The direct recruitment approach is the art of identifying the talent that will make your business exceptional. »

About us

ADEO, or ad eo, is to go toward, our DNA and our pride.

As a key player in the world of headhunting, we are constantly on the lookout for the best talent on the market, and in constant contact with our clients to define their needs and report back.

With our team of consultants, we combine expertise, commitment and a sense of human relations. For us, recruitment is a passion, much more than a profession.

Our Approach

As both generalists and specialists, we hunt for all professions and all activity sectors, while offering what makes us unique: a targeted, proactive approach that enables us to reach the best talent, even where it is hardest to find.

Our research tools, based on the latest digital technologies, and our commitment to advising both our customers and identified professionals are key assets. Boldness, determination, discretion and scrupulous respect for confidentiality are part of our style.


Clients have already entrusted us.


Headhunting assignments.

300 000

Executives, senior managers and top managers have had the opportunity to be identified and approached by us for a career development project.

Discover our added-value

Impact & Responsibility

We are convinced that Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of growing and helping women and men and organisations to grow towards sustainable development.

At our level, our commitment covers both the environmental impact of our operations and social initiatives aimed at the most vulnerable communities.

We are also fully aware of our responsibility towards all our stakeholders, not just our teams, but also our clients and the professionals we approach, with whom we have a duty to succeed.